March 12 Birthday Astrology

A Pisces born on March 12 brings creativity and grace to everything he or she does. They are adept at physical endeavors but can also impart their artistry to important life interests. They possess a spiritual intelligence. They are usually willing to sacrifice their interests to accommodate those they love, which they sometimes take too far.

Pisces Information
for March 12
You should embrace:Discipline, direction, preparedness

You should avoid: Destructive impulses, confusion, guilt

Friends and Lovers

March 12 natives are engaging people with
a talent for friendship. They have difficulty maintaining permanence in their romantic life. This is likely to change once they reconcile their emotional strengths and weaknesses. Romance is a high art to these people.

Children and Family

Coming to grips with disappointments from childhood can be a challenge for those born on this date. Because of their reticence to criticize, they may never confront parents or siblings. As parents, they support the creative aspirations of their youngsters.


March 12 people understand the need to keep their life in balance, and that means physical exercise in addition to the pursuit of artistic ambitions. Also, people born on this day need to spend a lot of time alone to recharge their emotional and spiritual batteries.

Career and Finances

With so much artistic talent at their disposal, March 12 individuals are often drawn to creative professions. If they are unhappy or unfulfilled in their work, they cannot learn the lessons meant for them. They are not concerned with how much money they make.

Dreams and Goals

March 12 individuals need to reconcile their creative aspirations with the profound spirituality that dominates their life. Although these would seem to be compatible, their creativity sometimes raises ego issues that undermine spiritual goals. They are fantasy-oriented and require periodic escapes from reality.

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