March 15 Birthday Astrology

A Pisces born on March 15 is a mediator on the intellectual level and a medium on the occult or spiritual level. They are idealistic, often refusing to address others' motives. They cannot comprehend selfish behavior and are put off by negativity. They seem to radiate a spiritual aura.

Pisces Information
for March 15
You should embrace: Validity, compassion, fate

You should avoid: Cynicism, emotional obsession, unreality

Friends and Lovers

People born on this date are sincere about their friendships. Owing to their sensitivity, trust, and tendency to take things at face value, they experience more than their share of heartbreak. If they experience too much negativity, they stop trusting others.

Children and Family

The idealism endorsed by most March 15 men and women has its roots in their upbringing, where people are considered to be "all good" or "all bad." This is often carried into adulthood and passed on to their children. This is a mistake, and they usually realize that once their children begin to form their opinions.


Living a healthy lifestyle is second nature to March 15 people. They can benefit from relieving work-relatedstress through yoga and meditation, or even brief periods of seclusion and self-enforced silence.

Career and Finances

Career stress can have a negative influence on the emotional and physical health of March 15 people, but they understand that laughter is the best medicine. They are not usually able to deal with materialistic aims and may feel the need to change gears midlife.

Dreams and Goals

Successful management of their need for spiritual fulfillment and peace is the goal of many March 15 people. They wish to live a life that's simple and meaningful, honest and productive. They can have a difficult time zeroing in on personal goals.

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