for March 2 You should avoid: Insecure friends, dilemmas, scheming |
People born on this date have a great deal
of empathy for friends. Although shy, they
are sociable. Their love nature is complicated. They sometimes have difficulty remaining focused on their partner, but this is not from lack of love -- they have a hard time resisting flattery from others.
Children and Family
March 2 natives have happy memories of childhood, preferring to set aside negative issues. When they become parents, they put their heart and soul into it. They are loving and nurturing, with an understanding of the imaginative world of children.
March 2 people are sometimes afflicted with nervous ailments that can be traced to lack of sleep or emotional exhaustion. They often prefer a natural diet that excludes meat, sugar, and dairy products. Light or moderate exercise is usually enough to keep them feeling fit.
Career and Finances
People born on this date have many talents. They are analytical and aesthetic and may seek to satisfy both within the boundaries of a career. They like to surround themselves with beautiful things but understand the perils of credit spending.
Dreams and Goals
March 2 natives need to display their intellect through practical means. They may not appreciate their talents until they experience validation from others. While they work hard to make their dreams a reality, they understand that nothing happens overnight.
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