March 5 Birthday Astrology

A Pisces born on March 5 possesses considerable intellectual courage. They are never afraid to take a stand or to own up to their controversial opinions. They will not allow dissent to sway their course. They have a talent for using words to their benefit. At times, this can land them in hot water.

Pisces Information
for March 5
You should embrace: Personal potential, perspective, wanderlust

You should avoid: Ego issues, wildness, arguments

Friends and Lovers

Talkative and friendly, March 5 people treasure their friends. An ability to communicate is one of the things they look for in a companion or mate. They have an affinity for lovers who combine intelligence with good looks. Nothing bores a March 5 person more quickly than a date or mate who has limited wit or interests.

Children and Family

March 5 people are likely to enjoy a special status in their family. Unfortunately, they tend to play favorites among their children. Though they love all their kids, they cannot help but be drawn to the one who possesses a unique intelligence or talent.


March 5 people often suffer from breathing difficulty, which is often stress-related. Learning to deal with tension can have health benefits. They, particularly young women, may suffer from a negative body image.

Career and Finances

With their fascination for language and the written word, March 5 people make excellent novelists or journalists. March 5 people have very little talent for handling their own financial affairs. This should be left to a professional or a spouse.

Dreams and Goals

March 5 natives may not feel they have achieved their goals unless they have had to fight for them. They have an instinct for controversy and enjoy the chance to overcome it through hard work. The idea of accepting help, even in the form of encouragement from loved ones, makes them uncomfortable.

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