March 8 Birthday Astrology

A Pisces born on March 8 is a fascinating combination of cynic and mystic. They have a deep psychic consciousness, and they may prefer to spend their time pursuing humanitarian aims. Though able to see the best in humankind, they are distrustful in personal relationships.

Pisces Information
for March 8
You should embrace: Security, providence, gentility

You should avoid: Fear, compromise, an unforgiving nature

Friends and Lovers

March 8 individuals may have few close friends, but they are totally devoted to them. They prefer to conduct relationships on an emotionally intense level. When they fall in love, they give their whole heart. They are interested in creating a relationship that will survive the test of time.

Children and Family

People born on this date may never fit in to their family and typically experience ambivalence toward family members. As parents, they are aware of a difference in temperament between themselves and their offspring. Not wanting to impose themselves, they may prefer a more casual approach toward childrearing.


March 8 men and women have a stubborn, extremist streak that often causes them to follow an unusual diet or health regimen. They're particularly devoted to fasting. They are not particularly devoted to exercise and prefer to be involved in useful physical tasks.

Career and Finances

Because of the dichotomy in their nature, March 8 people may reach adulthood undecided about their path and may choose a lengthy academic career. Financial security is important to them, which is generally a reaction to wanting the best for their loved ones.

Dreams and Goals

March 8 men and women may have a hard time admitting that they feel a need to reconcile the two sides of their nature. Once they select a lifestyle, they generally stick with it, allowing that side of their personality to "win out" over the other.

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