November 11 - Holidays
Holidays and observances
- Christian Feast Day:
- Bartholomew of Grottaferrata (Roman Catholic Church)
- Martin of Tours (Roman Catholic Church)
- Menas
- Søren Kierkegaard (Lutheran Church)
- Theodore the Studite
- November 11 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
- End of World War I related observances:
- Armistice Day (New Zealand, France and Belgium)
- Independence Day, commemorates the anniversary of Poland's assumption of independent statehood in 1918 (Poland)
- Remembrance Day (United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Nations, including Australia and Canada)
- Veterans Day, called Armistice Day until 1954, when the holiday was re-geared to be for all American military veterans. (United States)
- Independence Day, celebrates the independence of Angola from Portugal in 1975.
- Lāčplēsis Day (Latvia)
- Opening of carnival ("Karneval"/"Fasching"), on 11-11, at 11:11. (Germany, the Netherlands, and other countries)
- Pocky Day and Pretz Day (Japan)
- Pepero Day (South Korea)
- Republic Day (Maldives)
- Singles Day (China)
- St. Martin's Day
- Women's Day (Belgium)
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